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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
Ocular Complications and Factors affecting Visual Outcome in Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
Dr. Saideep Dhand, Dr. R.R. Naik
Abstract: To determine the spectrum of ocular complications, factors influencing visual prognosis and the effect of HIV-AIDS on the spectrum of ocular complications in patients with Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. CONCLUSION HZO is more frequently presenting at a younger age, due to an increasing incidence of HIV positivity. Patients with nasocilliary and lacrimal nerve involvement and the presence of Hutchinsons sign are more likely to have serious ocular complications. Visual loss is more likely in this group, warranting close follow-up and prompt treatment. The spectrum of ocular complications did not significantly differ from the immunocompetent patients. The overall good outcome in this study is due to the use of early intensive antiviral therapy proving their long term benefit in prevention of vision threatening herpes zoster ophthalmicus.
Keywords: herpes zoster ophthalmicus, HIV, ocular complications
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018,
Pages: 1052 - 1053