International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Herbal Medicine | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018 | Rating: 7 / 10

The Bugineses Knowledge of Traditional Medicine in South Sulawesi

M. Dalyan Tahir, Nurhayati Rahman, Hunaeni, M. Amir P., Fithyani Anwar

Abstract: This study aims to reveal the knowledge systems and procedures for the treatment of the Bugis community in South Sulawesi. There are various kinds of plants that are traditionally used by the Buginese as a cure for various kinds of diseases. This study was descriptive qualitative research where the collected data obtained through deep interview and presented descriptively. This study took place at Bila village in south Sulawesi. Several informants who have knowledge in using herbs and medicinal plants for traditional medicine were interviewed intensively to obtain more information. The results showed that the villager has known the knowledge system in the form of 1) Knowing 50 type of plants for traditional medicine which consist of (a) 20 type of plants which consumed for daily life and, (b) 30 type of plants which can not be consumed daily, 2) Knowing the procedure of the herbs to treat 157 types of diseases consisting of (a) Lasa ri Saliweng (external diseases), 116 types of diseases and (b) Lasa ri Laleng (Internal Disease), 41 types of disease.

Keywords: Medicine, Traditional, Bugnese

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018,

Pages: 510 - 514

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