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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018 | Rating: 7 / 10
Comparison of the Keratometric Before and After Phacoemulsification of Senile Cataract Through Clear Corneal Temporal Incision
Delfi, Wina Fuad Lubis
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Surgically Induced Astigmatism (SIA) is the most common complication after phacoemulsification involve cornea. Astigmatism due to surgery related to the type and size of the incision and suture utilization PURPOSE To study SIA caused by clear corneal incision in phacoemulsification. METHODS Design longitudinal prospective. Senile cataract underwent phacoemulsification. Ophthalmologic evaluation included visual acuity, keratometry before and after phacoemusification in day 7 and 30. All operations were performed by one operator. RESULT Sixty eyes patients (male 43.1 %, female 56.9 %). Mean age was 66.6 (range 44-84) years. ATR group 45 patients. Mean keratometry in day-7 is 0.412 D (p. =0.035), and day-30 is 0.382 D (p. =0.052). AWR group 20 patients. Mean keratometry in day-7 is 0.384 D (p. =0.192), and day-30 is 0.265 D (p. =0.333). Post operative in ATR group 43 patients and AWR 22 patients. Remain unchanged ATR 35 patients and AWR 12 patients, converted 18 patients. Wilcoxon test analysis p=0, 637 >= 0, 05, this difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION Keratometric change before and after phacoemulsification not statistically significant.
Keywords: keratometry, phacoemulsification, surgically induced astigmatisma
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018,
Pages: 1099 - 1101