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Research Paper | Anatomy and Histology | Colombia | Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
The Coronary Arteries of a Model Porcine Animal
Fernandez Sanchez Andres, Orbes Portilla Jairo Orlando, Martinez Nino Carlos Eduardo, Guzman Franco Angelica Maria, Perez Alzate Valentina, Restrepo Velarde Juan David, Veronica Suaza Alvarez
Abstract: The animal models are used in basic biomedical research to explain various phenomena of both basic science and other clinical and surgical disciplines, within these bio models, porcine, has been classically used for the study of cardiovascular entities both central and peripheral, from this, the use of heart valves for exoingests and the conceptual and cardio physiological bases of interventions and hemodynamics techniques that today save so many lives are derived, It has also been used in studies of arrhythmia derived from occlusive coronary disease and in the management of cardiac trauma, however the basic research on the subject has not been completed, opening new horizons as new therapeutic and surgical management are developed Day by day, the present work aims to characterize the arterial vascular ire of the porcine animal model Pig Breed from the implementation of the Corrosion injection technique. It was found that this animal model meets the criteria described by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature.
Keywords: Coronary Artery, Right Dominance, Vascular Permeability, Anatomic Variation, Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018,
Pages: 242 - 245