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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
Connotation as a Manifestation of Human Nature with Harmonization on Pasang of Ri Kajang in the Village of Tana Toa Kajang Bulukumba Regency: An Approach Semiotik
Supriadi, Moses, Maknun, Basrah
Abstract: The purpose of this study Pasang ri Kajang (Kajang in the Message), with regard to the system of values that contains the prohibition violates the mores of Tana Toa Kajang, invitation to do good, and abstinence do something taboo according to customary rules. The form of the prohibition, call, and abstinence is encapsulated in the form of connotation in Pasang ri Kajang to create harmonization of nature and man. This research is focused on the connotations as a form of harmonization of nature and man in the village Land Toa Kajang. Data sourced from pasang ri Kajang (PrK) submitted by Amma Toa, five gallarrang in the process of social engineering with the record, record, interview elisitasi (elicitations) and Integrated group discussions (focus group study). The data analyzed in qualitative descriptive Sudaryanto (1988) based on the concepts of connotation Rolland Barthes The results showed that harmonization of nature and man on pasang of ri Kajang takes the connotation that includes the meaning of honesty, steadfastness, unity, loyalty, example, caring, and simplicity.
Keywords: Harmonization, human, nature, pasang ri Kajang
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018,
Pages: 742 - 747