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Research Paper | Zoology | India | Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
Seasonal Variation in the Abundance of Noctiluca scintillans in the Coast of Arthunkal, Southwest Coast of India
Lekshmi S., Miranda M.T.P.
Abstract: The seasonal variation in abundance of Noctiluca scintillans was investigated for one year during January December 2015. A plankton net was used for collection and the collected samples were fixed in 4 % neutral formaldehyde and placed in polythene vials for later sorting and identification. During the sampling period, the temperature and dissolved oxygen were recorded. The samples were examined under the microscope and Noctiluca cells were counted. High cell densities were recorded during September. No green or red water discoloration was observed. Increased number of N. scintillans cells could disrupt the traditional diatom-sustained food chain and it affects the health of an ecosystem.
Keywords: Noctiluca scintillans, seasonal variation, abundance
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018,
Pages: 1566 - 1567