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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
The Effect of Visual Cues Versus Treadmill Training on Balance and Gait Parameters in Subjects with Parkinsons Disease: A Comparative Study
Rama Saraswat, Dr. Nidhi Singh
Abstract: THE EFFECT OF VISUAL CUES VERSUS TREADMILL TRAINING ON BALANCE AND GAIT PARAMETERS IN SUBJECTS WITH PARKINSONS DISEASE A COMPARATIVE STUDY Rama Saraswat*, Dr. Nidhi Singh** *Student MPT (Neurology), institute of applied Medicines and research, Duhai. **Research guide, MPT (Neurology), Assistant Professor, Institute of applied Medicines and research, Duhai. Background Parkinsons disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of unknown cause, where degeneration of dopaminergic pathways leads to loss of control over voluntary movement causing changes in the functional organization of Basal ganglia. (BG) It is characterized by cardinal features of rigidity, bradykinesia, tremors & postural instability. It affects more than 2 % of the population older than 65 yrs of age, with an average age of onset being 50 to 60 yrs & increasing prevalence with age. Gait deficits include reduced stride length, reduced speed of walking. Increased double limb support time, Insufficient heel strike, absent arm swing with normal cadence. Treatment in Physical therapy includes exercises like stretching & strengthening, PNF exercises. Gait training with the use of external stimuli like visual cues help to trigger movement. Evidences show that treadmill training with body harness also improves gait deficits & balance. Objectives of the Study Purpose of the study to find out the effects of visual cues on balance and gait parameters in subjects with Parkinsons disease, also to find out the effects of treadmill training on balance and gait parameters in subjects with Parkinsons disease & to find any correlation between the 2 treatment protocols. Method 30 patients with the age group of 50-80 yrs were randomly assigned in 2 groups of 15 each. Group A received conventional treatment & gait training with visual cues 3 times a week. Group B received conventional training & gait training with Treadmill training (TMT) protocol 3 times a week. Outcome measures were TOPM scale & measurement of gait parameters like step length, stride length & walking velocity. Data was collected on 0week, 3week, 6week along with follow up reading on 8week. Result At the end of investigation, significant improvement in balance and gait parameters were found with student T test at P < 0.05 in Group B when compared with Group A. Group B showed significant difference with a marked improvement in TOPM Score and gait parameters. Conclusion Result suggests that gait training with Treadmill training protocol (TMT) with body harness showed better improvement than training with visual cues in PD patients.
Keywords: Parkinsons disease PD, Basal ganglia BG, Treadmill training TMT, Visual cues
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018,
Pages: 1517 - 1520