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Research Paper | Anatomy and Histology | Saudi Arabia | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Morphometric Study of the Semitendinosus Muscle; A Cadaver Study
Ashraf Mohamed Elsayed Ali SAKRAN, Wardah Abdullah Mohammed Alasmari, Abdullah Galil Alkushi, Ahmed Abdalazeez Abdallah Osman, Wagih Gamaleldeen Abdelghany Elbarrany, Amal Yousif Ahmed Elhaj Mustafa, Naser A. ElSawy
Abstract: Objective The purpose of this anatomical study was to explore the morphological, parameters, topography and diameter of neurovascular pedicles of the semitendinosus muscle. Materials and Methods The study was conducted on 46 formalin fixed adult human cadaveric lower limbs (20 right and 26 left), at the Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Umm al Qura University, Makkah- Saudi Arabia. The semitendinosus muscle was dissected and studied regarding its origin, insertion, parameters and the number and points of entry of the supplying nerves and diameters of arteries just before entery to the semitendinosus muscle. Results The mean width of ST fleshy part near origin, at middle and before overlap part were 2.070.41, 3.010.48, 2.460.44 cm respectively. ST muscle thickness mean of fleshy and tendentious parts were 1.450.28, 0.390.53 cm respectively.1-3 neurovascular pedicles entering into the ST muscle. The distance of the entry of neurovascular pedicle to the ST muscle from ischial tuberosity was ranging between 7.2 to 27.8 cm. It was observed that the neurovascular pedicles were highest (41.3 %) at the range of 15.120.0 cm away from the ischial tuberosity. The diameter of the neurovascular pedicle at their entrance into the ST muscle was ranging between 0.05 and 0.2 cm and the main pedicles diameter were 0.2 cm. ST muscle innervate by the sciatic nerve, in 82.4 % received one branch, 17.4 % supplied by two branches. The present study revealed insignificant statistically difference between FP length, Overlap length, Tendon length, FP thickness, Tendon thickness, FP width near origin, FP width at middle, FP width before tendon and the side of ST muscle or gender. There were moderate correlation between tendon length, FP width near origin, FP width at middle, FP width before tendon and the total length of the lower limb in ST muscle. Conclusion The semitendinosus tendon remains a popular graft for many reconstructive procedures, including anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The muscle is suggested to fulfill the criteria of muscle transposition for anal neosphincter formation.
Keywords: Semitendinosus, Morphometric, Blood supply, Surgical uses, Gender
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018,
Pages: 1301 - 1306