International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Management | Rwanda | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Project Implementation: A Case Study of Integrated Nutrition Project in NGOMA District, ZAZA Sector

Eugenie Uwimana, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi

Abstract: This study aimed to determine the importance of M & E Systems in project implementation, Case study of Integrated Nutrition project implemented in Ngoma, Zaza sector. M & E systems are composed with multiple components and this study focused on four components among others M & E plan, Logical Framework, Budget and stakeholders analysis. The study was guided by four objectives to establish extent to which the use of M & E framework effects the level of project implementation, to assess extent to which logical framework effects the level of project implementations, to assess extent to which Budgeting effects the level of project implementation and to assess the extent to which stakeholder analysis effects the level of project implementation. The study was carried out in Zaza Sector of Ngoma district, Western province of Rwanda. Zaza sector comprises 4 cells and 52 villages. The target population included One YWCA M & E staff, One sector social affairs, four cell leaders 55 village leaders and 162 Community volunteers, then, the total target population will be 223 participants all working on the integrated nutrition project in ZAZA sector. It emerged that M & E plan had significant effect on project implementation. Respondents expressed that the stakeholders should spearhead M & E plan should be worked out and applied during project implementation elaboration of M & E plan. There was need for incorporation, it should be formulated from logical framework that has been worked out in advance. It agreed that Logical framework had significant effect on project implementation. Stakeholders should be involved during its formulation in an analytical and practical approach and should therefore be worked out in a well-planned workshop to achieve the immediate goal. Empowered stakeholders should work it out prior to the formulation of M & E plan. It was noted that a well worked out Budget could result into effective implementation of the project. The budget should not only be matter of bill of quantities. It should reflect other costs precisely. It should not serve self-interest of anybody. Stakeholders should receive feedbacks from audit reports, monitoring and evaluation results from line Ministries. It was realized that a well-balanced stakeholder analysis would affect early completion of the project. Composition of stakeholders is crucial, because it affected their performance. They should be involved in the entire process of project planning, implementation and completion. The key stakeholder include line ministries (Ministry of Health, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of local government, and Ministry of gender and family promotion), YWCA, Ngoma district, Zaza Sector and below governmental structures from cells to villages.

Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation Systems, NGOMA District, ZAZA Sector

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018,

Pages: 1482 - 1485

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