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Informative Article | Medical Science | India | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
Kriyakala Vivechana in Amavata
Vindhyarani G.B., Muralidhara, Vijayalakshmi
Abstract: Amavata is disease of Rasavaha srotas. Amavata is a kruchrasadhya vyadhi. Madhava nidana mentioned sa kashtah sarva roganam. The term Amavata separated into 2words are Ama and Vata. The formation of Ama is due to weakness of jatharagni located in Amashaya leading to formation of anna rasa. The Ama combines with vata for forming Amavata. The lakshana of Amavata which correlated the clinical features of Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology marked by asymmetric peripheral polyarthritis. Kriyakala vivechana has been explained by sushrutha while explaining vrana. kriyakala vivechana is help in understanding disease prognosis, diagnosis and intervention (aushadhi, pathya, vyayama). After proper understanding of stages of kriyakala its help in preventing it from complication like khanja and pangu.
Keywords: khanja, pangu, amavata, kriyakala, rheumatoid arthritis, lakshana
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018,
Pages: 1407 - 1409