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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 11, November 2018 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Financial Value Savings Regarding RDF Technology
Kun Nasyton, Maryunani, Nuddin Harahab, Budi Prasetyo
Abstract: One of the TPA Cilacap, TPA Tritih Lor in Jeruklegi Subdistrict, which is the largest landfill in Cilacap Regency, receives approximately 120 tons of waste per day. This landfill will reach its maximum capacity in 2018 (DLHK, 2017). The problems that arise in the city of Cilacap with the presence of a pile of garbage in the landfill that is not managed properly is getting more and more days because it is directly proportional to population growth and will also impact the decline in environmental quality. Tritih Lor Landfill in Jeruklegi District, which is the largest landfill in Cilacap Regency, receives approximately 120 tons of waste per day. This landfill will reach its maximum capacity in 2018. One of the sustainable long-term methods chosen by the Cilacap District Government is to transform urban waste into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), which is a high calorific value separation from processed waste, which can be used as an alternative fuel for cement plants. RDF processing obtained from urban waste will reduce the landfill volume and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by avoiding the formation of methane gas in the landfill. In this study, research related to the comparison of the value of investment and operational processing of conventional waste compared to investment and operational processing of waste using RDF. This paper was conducted using integrated research method, by adopting and comparing data and analysis from other studies. Data analysis in this study included as much as 120 tons of waste / day in Cilacap city. Total cost required for 15 years. The conclusion of this research is 1) Perspective of RDF-based Waste Management System in Cilacap city can be applied sustainably, because RDF-based waste processing becomes an economical priority scale because up to now flame RDF products made from waste waste are processed using RDF machines, 2) Price of flame RDF is cheaper when compared to its predecessor briquette products based on coal waste, 3) The market share of RDF flame products is still very potential considering that RDF flame can be used as fuel in cement plants, steam power plants and household activities, 4) RDF Flame in the long run can be used as an alternative to oil and gas fuel.
Keywords: Financial Value Saving, Refuse Derived Fuel RDF
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 11, November 2018,
Pages: 871 - 872