International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Communication or Media Studies | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018 | Rating: 7 / 10

Description of Teacher Communication Pattern in Inclusive Education for the Children with Special Needs

Putri Nilamsari, Nurmayanti Putri, Zulfikar

Abstract: Communication is a basic human activity, because communication is the main basis for obtaining the information needed, in a scope such as schools can not be separated from communication activities. Communication between teachers and students can be a determining factor for the success of learning activities and a good pattern of communication between teachers and students can be a success factor of communication activities. Based on this background, the focus of this research is a children with special needs, inclusive education, communication patterns. There are not a small number of children with special needs through inclusive education. Children with special needs are expected to grow optimally according to their abilities. Inclusive education emphasizes the addition of educational needs for children with special needs, inclusive education believes that all children are entitled to good education services. This research uses the qualitative method with descriptive research methods. The data collection techniques, are obtained through the interviews, observations, and literature studies. The unit of analysis is the informant who is the source of information and considered as a key informant. The unit of analysis is the teacher and homeroom teacher in the inclusive class who are considered as key informants, and as additional informants is the principle and the Indonesian language teacher. So, the total number of informants who will be the source of the data in this research was 3 people. The research locations in Depok 19 Middle School (SMP Negeri 19 Depok) West Java, Indonesia. The results showed that the communication pattern applied by teachers in inclusive education to children with special needs was two-way communication, because of the response given from children with special needs. But there are times when there is one-way communication, there is no response or reciprocity between the teacher and students, children with special needs. But there are times when one-way communication occurs, there is no response or reciprocity between teachers and students (children with special needs). This is also caused by the lack of accompanying teachers who truly understand the needs of children with special needs. Based on this background the description of teacher communication patterns in inclusive education for the children with special needs is formed.

Keywords: communication patterns, children with special needs, inclusive education

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018,

Pages: 65 - 68

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