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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
A Quasi Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of a Structured Training Programme on New Born Care Based on ASHA Module 7 - Skills that Saves Lives in Terms of Reported Practice among ASHA Workers in a Selected Community of Delhi
Anu Gauba, Dr. Kochu Thresiamma Thomas
Abstract: A Quasi experimental study was conducted to develop structured training programme for ASHA workers on new born care based on ASHA module 7 skills that saves lives, to compare the practice of ASHA workers with regard to new born care before and after the administration of structured training programme in IPP VIII Maternity and Health centre, Badarpur, New Delhi and Government dispensary, Tuglakabad, New Delhi. The findings reveals that the mean of post test scores (36.1) was higher than the mean of pre- test scores (19.87) with a mean difference of 16.230. Thus, it is said that the difference obtained in mean pre- test and post- test practice scores is a true difference and not by chance. There was no association between practice scores and selected demographic variables i. e. age, years of experience and educational status of ASHA workers. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics like frequency, percentage, mean, Range (Maximum and Minimum) and Paired t test and chi square test.
Keywords: ASHA workers, Training programme, Practices, Newborn care
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018,
Pages: 70 - 73