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Research Paper | Diabetology | India | Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
A Prospective Study of Diabetic Retinopathy and its Association with Serum Lipid Levels and Microalbuminuria
Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Dr. Preeti Sharma, Dr. Manan Kaushik, Dr. Rohan Bowry
Abstract: Objective - A prospective study of diabeticretinopathy and its association withserum lipid levels and microalbuminuria. Design A prospective clinical study of 50 diabetic patients with exudative maculopathy were selected from the retina clinic, LLRM Medical College, Meerut. Methods A detailed history including age, sex, onset/duration/type/control status of diabetes, complete systemic examination and ocular examination which included BCVA, IOP, ocular movements, anterior chamber examination and complete fundus examination was done and the type of maculopathy was noted and graded. Results 68 % of the patients with exudative maculopathy were associated with abnormal serum lipid profile and 100 % were associated with presence of proteinuria. Conclusion we found in our study that both proteinuria and abnormal lipid profile had a strong correlation with progression of diabetic retinopathy along with other proven risk factors.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Nephropathy
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018,
Pages: 664 - 666