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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Implementation of Load Balancing Algorithms for Performance Improvement in Cloud Computing
Hemlata Joshi, Farha Naaz, Anurag Shrivastav
Abstract: Clouds are high configured infrastructure delivers platform, software as service, which supports customers to variety subscription for their necessities below the pay as you go model. Cloud computing is diffusion worldwide, due to its informal and simple service concerned with model. The quantities of users retrieving the cloud are rising day by day. Mostly cloud is created on data centres which are influential to handle huge number of users. The dependability of clouds be contingent on the technique it handles the loads, to overcome such problem clouds necessity be included with the load balancing mechanism. After the review of load balancing and the three existing strategies for the Cloud Analyst simulator, Evaluation the consequences acquired using dissimilar load balancing algorithms, we can accomplish that the overall response time in the Throttled algorithm is improved than in additional algorithms, and the data center time is similarly better.
Keywords: cloud computing, load balancing, cloud analyst simulation, round robin algorithm
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019,
Pages: 649 - 652