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Research Paper | Finance | China | Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Research on the Development of Inclusive Finance in Rural Areas of Shaanxi Province and Its Poverty Reduction Effect
Deng Junrong, Ma Xuefeng
Abstract: Based on the data of rural areas in Shaanxi Province in 2005-2016, this paper measures the development level of inclusive finance in rural areas of Shaanxi from six dimensions by means of factor analysis, and constructs the regression model on the basis of this, and studies the relationship between inclusive financial development and poverty alleviation. The results show that the development level of inclusive finance in rural areas of Shaanxi province is increasing, and the increase is increasing. Linear regression model shows that inclusive finance has the effect of poverty reduction. Curve estimation results show that three curves can better fit the relationship between inclusive finance and poverty, and the development of inclusive finance can promote the alleviation of poverty, but in the low level of inclusive financial development, its contribution to poverty alleviation shows a decreasing phenomenon, when inclusive finance has developed to a certain level, Its mitigation effect on poverty has shown an increasing phenomenon.
Keywords: Inclusive financePoverty reductionRural areas
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019,
Pages: 510 - 516