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Research Paper | Agricultural Economics | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Urban Agroindustry Model Based on Utilization of Justices as an Efforts to Increase Food Security
Ratna MustikaWardhani, Wuryantoro
Abstract: In increasing food security in urban areas, the problem is the limited land for agriculture, so that the use of the yard is the best solution for strengthening the economy in urban communities. The purpose of this study is to produce a model of urban agroindustry development based on the use of the yard. The method used is descriptive method and AHP Analysis Method (Process Hierarchy Analysis). The results of the study indicate that the Yard-based Agro-Industry Development Model includes criteria: Objectives, Constraints, Needs and Alternative Solutions. From each type of plant have different priorities: (a). Fruit plants, the highest priority for goals is increasing income, priority constraints are the motivation of the community in the use of the yard, while the needs needed are market information, while the alternative solution is the need for socialization of increased use of the yard. (b) Vegetable crops, the highest priority of objectives is the use of the yard, the highest priority constraints on vegetable crops are agro-climate problems and community motivation to utilize the yard, while the highest priority needs are knowledge of processed products, while the highest priority alternative solution is the creation of one village one product. (c) Medicinal plants, the highest priority of goals is the use of yards, the priority of constraints on medicinal plants is the highest motivaasi community to use the yard, while the highest priority needs is knowledge of processed products and market information, while alternative solutions the highest priority is the creation of one village one product and the promotion of increased use of the yard.
Keywords: Value Added, Yard, Food Security
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019,
Pages: 1571 - 1575