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Research Paper | Law | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
The Misuse of Halal Food Labels in Sambas Regency
Zarul Arifin, Sabri Samin, Kamaludin Abunawas, Kasjim Salenda
Abstract: This study discusses the misuse of halal food labels in Sambas Regency. The misuse of the halal label in question is food traders often use halal labels that are not in accordance with applicable regulations. The main problem of this research is then formulated as follows: What is the form of abuse of halal food labels in Sambas Regency. The researcher used a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis perspective to uncover problems that occurred in the field, especially in Sambas District. The results of this study indicate that the misuse of halal food labels is mostly done by producers, especially among ethnic Chinese who use halal food labels on their wares, both halal labels in Indonesian and Arabic writing without obtaining halal certification from the MUI.
Keywords: Abuse of Halal Labels
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019,
Pages: 1070 - 1075