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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 | Rating: 7 / 10
Urban Heat Island Effect and Climate Change: An Assessment of Interacting and Attainable Variations in Indian Cities: Study of Gorakhpur
Ravi Kumar Pandey
Abstract: Climate change in cities is driven by two distinct phenomena, one in operation at the size of the world as a full and the different in operation at the size of cities and regions. The world atmospheric {phenomenon} could be a climate phenomenon through that the presence of ?greenhouse gases? within the Earth's atmosphere traps outgoing energy and thereby warms the atmosphere. A natural warming mechanism, while not the operation of a worldwide atmospheric phenomenon the temperature of the world would approximate that of the Moon, rendering the world inhospitable to life. Since the beginnings of the economic Revolution, increasing emissions of greenhouse emission and different greenhouse gases have served to boost the natural atmospheric phenomenon, resulting in a rise in world temperatures over time. In addition to changes in the composition of the worldwide atmosphere, changes in land use at the size of cities additionally contribute to rising temperatures, called the urban heat island (UHI) impact, the displacement of trees and alternative natural vegetation by the development materials of urban development will increase the quantity of warmth energy that's absorbed from the Sun and hold on in urban materials, like concrete, asphalt, and roofing shingle. Four specific changes in urban environments drive the urban heat island impact, including 1. The loss of natural vegetation, 2. The introduction of urban construction materials that are additional economical at riveting and storing thermal energy than the natural landscape, 3. High-density urban morphology that traps solar radiation, and 4. The emission of Unwanted heat from buildings and vehicles.
Keywords: Climate Change, Urban Heat Island, Greenhouse Gases, temperature, Environment
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018,
Pages: 985 - 991