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Research Paper | Education Management | Brazil | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Historical Process of Education and Pedagogue Work in a Non-Formal Space
Poliana Silva Costa, Benedita das Gracas Sardinha da Silva, Paloma Suellen Silva Costa, Sebastiao Gomes Silva, Jose Francisco da Silva Costa
Abstract: This manuscript presents the construction of knowledge about education taking into account the historical scenario in some important civilizations that have deep roots that have established and shaped specific and peculiar characteristics that identifies each one of them. In this way, the work addresses a study of educational processes, showing how education was relevant to development and progress, as well as the issue of the culture that characterizes them. It is important to understand that education emerges as something that leads to the pinnacle of economic, social and political development. These Egyptian, Greek, and Babylonian civilizations demonstrate through education a wealth of culture that has made important contributions to today's society. Linked to this research, a field research is developed in a non-formal space where a pedagogue who works at the Public Defender's Office is interviewed. The research is concluded considering that the pedagogy course in today's society does not restrict the pedagogue only in the school environment, because due to the necessity of its presence in other spaces, it requires experience, practice and methodologies that lead to successful exercise in these schools non-formal spaces.
Keywords: Ancient civilizations Educational processes research, non-formal space
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019,
Pages: 693 - 702