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Research Paper | Public Health Education | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019 | Rating: 7 / 10
Various Factors Affecting Community Defecation Behavior in Kenyaran Sub District of Gayo Lues District in 2017
Burhanuddin Syam, Ismail
Abstract: Health can be achieved by changing unhealthy behavior into healthy one. The importance of good access to sanitation especially for rural communities is increasingly urgent and calls forth immediate solution. Based on the results of interviews with 11 communities in Kenyaran village, seven people had latrines and four of them were accustomed to defecating in the river, garden, or fields. The purpose of this study was to investigate various factors related to community defecation behavior. This research was descriptive analysis with cross sectional design. The sample in this study was 70 heads of family in Kenyaran village. These subjects were interviewed from 7 to 28 December 2017. Data analysis employed univariate and bivariate analysis. The statistical test results indicated that knowledge and community defecation behavior was strongly related (P-value 0.002). The analysis also corroborated the relationship between facilities and community defecation behavior (P-value 0.008). In addition, the relationship between cultures Open defecation with community defecation behavior (P-value 0.015) in Kenyaran village, Pantan Cuaca district, Gayo Lues district in 2017. The study has concluded that there is a relationship of knowledge, availability of defecation facilities, and culture of open defecation with community defecation behavior. The community is recommended to increase their knowledge and change culture or open defecation habits. Public Health Center officers are required to improve services and provide counseling about clean and healthy behavior. Department of Health Affairs can encourage the availability of healthy latrines in the community.
Keywords: Behavior, Latrine, Environment
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 5, May 2019,
Pages: 1112 - 1115