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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Physical Education | Malaysia | Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 | Rating: 7.1 / 10
Result of Mental Imagery and Demonstration Intervention on Primary Four Pupils Acquisition of Soccer Dribbling Skills
Oluwaseyi Olubunmi Sodiya, Syed Kamaruzaman Bin Syed Ali
Abstract: Aim This study investigates the soccer dribbling performance time and dribbling technique of primary four pupils using mental imagery combined with the physical demonstration during soccer practice in physical education classes Material and Methods The study was conducted using a true experimental research design. Randomized pre-and post-test control group design for the intervention program, students were randomly assigned into three different groups of MIDG, MIG and CG using fishbowl method of selection for a pre-test, post-test data collection procedures on children's soccer dribbling performance time to answer the hypothesis that mental imagery and demonstration approach is an effective method of teaching and enhancing primary school children's soccer dribbling skills Results ANCOVA was calculated to examine the effect of soccer dribbling performance time of the primary four pupils controlling for the effect of Pre-test. There is significant difference between the groups after intervention program for the Post-test score F (2, 55) = 18.315, p =.047. Conclusion The findings indicate that the Mental Imagery and Demonstration group (MIDG) shows significant improvement over the mental Imagery group (MIG) and Control group (CG). In addition, it shows the potential benefits of mental imagery and demonstration as a retention strategy intended for novice learning soccer dribbling skills. The combination of mental imagery and demonstration teaching methods are promising practices for motor skills acquisition in primary school children.
Keywords: Auditory, kinetic, Learning, Motor-Skills, Visualization
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018,
Pages: 1466 - 1477