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Research Paper | Psychology Science | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
The Relationship between the Fear of Failure and Academic Procrastination for the University Student in Arranging Scientific Paper Case Study of University Student of Medicine Faculty of Sultan Agung Islamic University
Siti Umairah S.Psi, Susan Liana S.Psi, Khoirini Adzawiyah S.Psi
Abstract: The purpose of this research is in order to know the correlation between the fearness of failure and the academic procrastination for the university student in arranging the scientific paper. Population of this research in the university student of medicine faculty of Sultan Agung Islamic University. Sample taken technical that be used is insidental kuota sampling. Base on validity test of 42 item for scale of fearness of failure there is 33 items which is valid and nine item which is invalid by validity coefficient is about 0.3119 to 0.6022 and from 56 items of academic procrastination scale there is 43 item which is valid and 13 items which is invalid validity coefficient is about 0.3105 to 0.5703. Base on reliability test be gotten scale of the fearness of failure for reliability coefficient is about 0.8760 and scale of academic procrastination is about 0.8986. Because of that such both scales be mentioned reliable. Base on normality test for variable of fearness of failure be gotten the coefficient KS - Z = 0.962 and p = 0.313 ( p > 0.05) and academic procrastination variable be gotten the coefficient is about 0.802 and p = 0.541 ( p > 0.05). This result point out whereas both variable fulfill the normality assumption on linearity test for variable of fearness of failure to academic procrastination be gotten the coefficient is about F linier = 29.82 and p = 0.000 ( p < 0.05). This result point out whereas data fulfill the linearity test. Base on hypothesis test be gotten the correlation about rxy = 0.526 and p = 0.000 ( p < 0.01). The conclusion of this research is there is positive relation between the fearness of failure and procrastination for university student in arranging scientific paper because of that hypothesis that be applied in the research is received.
Keywords: The fearness of failure and academic procrastination
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019,
Pages: 1831 - 1834