Rate the Article: Seismic Analysis of G+9 RCC L-Shaped Bare Frame System, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Rating: 6.6 / 10

Seismic Analysis of G+9 RCC L-Shaped Bare Frame System

Vineet Kumar Singh, Kundan Kulbhushan

Abstract: Today, tall structures have turned out to be overall engineering wonder. From past earthquakes, it is demonstrated that a significant number of structure are absolutely/somewhat harmed because of earthquake and now-adays it has turned out to be important to decide seismic reactions over such structures. Structural analysis is a branch which includes in the assurance of structures with a specific end goal to foresee the reactions of genuine structures, for example, structures, spans, trusses and so on. Basic outlining requires basic investigation and seismic examination of any structure before development. All together satisfy the prerequisite of this expanded populace in the constrained territory; the stature of building has turned out to be medium to tall structure. In this way, to guarantee wellbeing against seismic powers of multi-storied working, there is need of seismic examination study and planning quake protection structures. Amid earthquake, disappointment of structure begins from the purposes of a shortcoming. By and large, shortcoming happens because of geometry, mass brokenness and solidness of structure. That is the reason; structures fizzle amid earthquakes generally, because of vertical abnormality. The principle target this thesis is to think about the seismic investigation of structure for static and dynamic examination in standard minute opposing casing. We have thought about the private building, a G+9 storied structure for the seismic investigation and it is situated in Zone III LUCKNOW in India. Total structure was analysed by computer with using Etab 17.0.1 software.

Keywords: Seismic Analysis, G+9, Bare RCC Frame, Tall Structure etc

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019,

Pages: 1 - 3

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