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Research Paper | Geology | Ivory Coast | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Rating: 7.1 / 10
Lithological and Structural Characterization of the Gold Mineralization of the Bagoe Basin (Syama-Boundiali) in Northern Ivory Coast: Involvement in Mining Research
Gbele Ouattara, Gnammytchet Barthelemy Koffi, Yacouba Diarra
Abstract: The Bagoe basin is located in northern Ivory Coast, on the border with Mali and accords with the Syama-Boundiali Paleoproterozoic (Birimian) basin. In the present study, we propose to make a contribution to the lithological and structural characterization of the mineralization of this basin from data collected in the two main mines located on both sides of the basin: the Syama gold mine in Mali and that of Sissingué in Ivory Coast. The results of our work indicate that the basin can be divided into two geologically distinct parts. Indeed, the basin is composed of two divisions, namely a west branch oriented N-S and an east branch oriented NNE-SSW. The two parts are separated by the Bagoe river, which coincides with a major regional structure called the Shear-Zone of Syama with NNE-SSW direction. The mineralization is preferentially associated with intrusives and felsic dykes in the Sissingué zone in the western part, whereas in Syama it is not controlled by preferential lithology, even if the highest concentrations are in the aphanitic-textured basic volcanics and strongly hydrothermalized and brecciated. Hydrothermal alteration is the common feature of the basin's mineralization and could be a proximal indicator of this during exploration campaigns. It is of the propylitic type dominated by the chlorite-sericite-epidote-calcite-silica assemblage.
Keywords: Bagoe Basin, Shear zone, Greenstone belts, Hydrothermal alteration, Propylitic alteration
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019,
Pages: 1072 - 1075