Rate the Article: Project Implementation Practices in Provision of Services in Public Institutions in Rwanda: A Case of the Ministry of Public Service and Labour, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Management | Rwanda | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

Project Implementation Practices in Provision of Services in Public Institutions in Rwanda: A Case of the Ministry of Public Service and Labour

Uwizeyimana Emmanuel, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi

Abstract: Project activities in private and public sectors are on the increase and this calls for better project management to ensure successful completion of projects that the organizations are engaged in. This study sought to establish how project implementation practices have led to the provision of services in public institutions in Rwanda. The study focused on four objectives of the study which were; to assess how the use of information technology practices influence provision of services in public institutions in Rwanda, to assess how the adoption of stakeholders involvement practices influence provision of services in in public institutions in Rwanda, to establish the role of donor partnership practices in provision of services in public institutions in Rwanda and to determine the effect of monitoring and evaluation practices on provision of services in public institutions in Rwanda. The research adopted descriptive survey design. A total of 108 questionnaires was distributed to respondents. The respondents were purposively selected from the levels of Directors, Project Managers and Program Officers who are the main custodians of information of their organizations. Primary and secondary data was collected for the study. The researcher used a questionnaire to collect primary data from the population and secondary data was collected from the Government reports and other related studies. A pilot on the instrument was conducted at Ministry of Public Service and Labour to determine instrument reliability. The questionnaire consisted of closed ended questions. The collected data was edited, coded and classified; the data was analysed using descriptive statistics and some level of inferential statistics which helped to interpret the correlation of the independent variable to the dependent variable. SPSS version 21 statistical tool was used for data analysis. From multiple regressions, it was inferred that the use of information technology was significant in explaining the provision services at a 1 % significance level, followed by monitoring and evaluation, donor partnership practices, and lastly stakeholder participation. The study concluded that monitoring and evaluation has greatly contributed to organizational learning and result orientation. Information technology has substantively contributed to knowledge management. Adequate stakeholder engagement and the donor partnership practices are a huge asset for the sustainability and success of projects. The study recommends the adoption of project management implementation practices by Organizations implementing projects and further research on other project management implementation practices contributing to success of projects.

Keywords: Project, Performance, Project Management, Project Performance, Project Success

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019,

Pages: 593 - 597

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