Rate the Article: Cost Effectiveness Analysis of H2 Receptor Blockers in Surgical Patients Available in Different Brands in Indian Pharmaceutical Market, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

Cost Effectiveness Analysis of H2 Receptor Blockers in Surgical Patients Available in Different Brands in Indian Pharmaceutical Market

Manoj Kumar, Chandra Jyoti, Krishna Gopal

Abstract: Aim: To study percentage price variations among different brands of the commonly prescribed H2 receptor blockers. Methods: The maximum and minimum price of each brand of the drug in INR was noted by using CIMS January to April 2018 edition, Drug Today April to June 2018 Vol-1. The price ratio and the percentage price variation for individual drug brands was calculated. The price of 10 tablets/capsules were calculated. At last the price ratio and percentage price variation of various brands were compared. Results: Percentage variation in price for H2 receptor blockers marketed in India was found to be tablet cimetidine 200mg: 81.89, tablet cimetidine 400mg: 91.27, tablet ranitidine 150mg: 295.64, tablet ranitidine 300mg: 123.19, tablet famotidine 20mg: 939.62, tablet famotidine 40mg: 1110.09, tablet roxatidine 75mg: 38.65, tablet roxatidine 150mg: 21.85 Conclusion: H2 receptor blocker is the most common drug prescribed for prolonged period in case of gastritis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease [GERD], peptic ulcer. If a costly brand is prescribed, the patients have to pay more money unnecessarily for their treatment. The doctors prescribing these drugs should be aware of these variations in price to reduce the price of drug therapy.

Keywords: Gastritis, GERD, Percentage price variation, Price ratio

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019,

Pages: 1813 - 1815

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