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Research Paper | Mathematics | Egypt | Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Non Linear Radiation and Dissipation Effects on Natural Convection Flow of Viscoelastic Fluids between Vertical Plates Filled with Forchiemer-Darcy Medium
Karem Mahmoud Ewis
Abstract: A fourth order accurate finite difference method is introduced to solve the governing equations of natural convection of viscoelastic fluid flow and heat transfer under the influences of and nonlinear radiation and dissipation. The fluid flows through non-Darcy porous medium which lies between two heated vertical plates that are kept at constant, but different, temperatures. The coupled nonlinear differential equations are linearized and iterations are used to approximate that linearized terms. The finite difference method transforms the coupled linearized differential (momentum and energy) equations to a linear system of algebraic equations. Some comparisons are made to study the convergence and stability of the present results. Effects of parameters of fluid and heat on the velocity field, temperature, skin friction factor and Nusselt number are illustrated and discussed. The present results and their comparisons with available results are listed and shown in tables. The present results show that the numerical solution is of excellent agreement with previous analytical and numerical solution.
Keywords: Nonlinear radiation, natural convection, viscoelastic fluid, non-Darcy medium, skin friction, heat transfer, Nusselt number, fourth order schemes, finite difference method
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018,
Pages: 1519 - 1526