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Research Paper | Education Management | Philippines | Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
A Study of Teachers Motivation and Academic Coordinators Leadership Practice: The Relationship to Vision, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Supportive Leadership and Personal Recognition
Genevieve M. Gepitulan
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers' motivation to academic coordinators' leadership practice on vision, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, supportive leadership, and personal recognition. Whereas previous research had explored these constructs separately, this study investigated two distinct paths to the motivation of the teachers and the leadership practice of the academic coordinators. The analytical procedure of multiple regression was utilized to determine and to evaluate the predicting strength among teachers' motivation and the independent variables: vision, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, supportive leadership and personal recognition of the academic coordinators' transformational leadership in the institution. The researcher pilot-tested a total of 30 teachers who were randomly chosen both from Elementary and Junior High School Department of LIDE Learning Center, Inc. The Pearson product-moment correlation and the multiple regression analysis coefficients revealed that a strong positive correlation existed between the dependent variable and all the five independent variables. Of the five variables, the vision was the most strongly related to teachers' motivation. This study provides new support to previous research about the importance of teachers' motivation and academic coordinators' leadership practice for institutions' effectiveness and quality of performance.
Keywords: Teachers' motivation, academic coordinators' leadership practice, vision, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, supportive leadership, and personal recognition
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019,
Pages: 1083 - 1087