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Research Paper | Pathology | India | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
Effects of Uremia on White Blood Cells, Platelets and Coagulation Parameters: A Single-Centre Ambispective Study
Indira K Shastry, Sushma Belurkar
Abstract: Our study aimed at analysing the total number of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with abnormalities in white blood cells and coagulation parameters. A total of 300 patients were analysed in an ambispective, correlation study. Neutrophilia was observed in 45 % of cases and 77 % of them were in stage 5 CKD without infections, and toxic change were observed in 55 %. Prolongation of PT was seen in 16.1 % of cases and in this group, 33 % of them were being treated for sepsis. Similarly, a prolonged aPTT was observed in 14.7 % of cases and among them 34 % had sepsis. Conclusion: Alteration in the coagulation profile and leucocytes number and morphology can be due to infections because of defects in immune system or interference by uremic toxins.
Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, White blood cells, Platelets, Bleeding time, Prothrombin time and Activated partial thromboplastin time
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019,
Pages: 1524 - 1527