Rate the Article: Awareness of Burns First Aid amongst Healthcare Providers and Medical Students in Emergency Department, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | United Arab Emirates | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

Awareness of Burns First Aid amongst Healthcare Providers and Medical Students in Emergency Department

Ansilata Marlyn, Faisal Ameer

Abstract: Background: To study the knowledge of healthcare providers including emergency doctors, nurses and medical students posted in Emergency Department of Thumbay Hospital Ajman, UAE on first aid for burns management. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in the Emergency department of Thumbay Hospital, Ajman- United Arab Emirates over 6 months involving the healthcare providers and medical students. A structured questionnaire was handed over to the doctors, nurses and medical students posted in the Emergency department that involved the details of demographics, knowledge on first aid methods used for burns and the source of interest to receive the first aid information. The aim was to assess the appropriate responses to established norms of first aid in burns using a structured questionnaire distributed randomly to healthcare providers and medical students. Results: In total, 75 participants were approached only 50 responses were obtained (28 % male and 72 % female). Responses of 62 % the respondents were graded “inadequate” or “poor” based on Maguire First aid knowledge score. There was no significant correlation was found between gender, higher educational level, training and knowledge, however, female gender and higher educational level were associated with greater awareness although this was not statistically significant. (p=0.92 and p=0.24). Conclusions: Appropriate education and knowledge on first aid for burns is important for all the medical caregivers for a better outcome. The study revealed that majority of the respondents had inadequate knowledge but was intended to learn more on burns first aid through various sources. The results of the study also highlight on need of awareness programs and campaigns to adequately manage burns at first instance.

Keywords: Burns, First aid, Awareness, United Arab Emirates

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019,

Pages: 894 - 898

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