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Research Paper | Food Science | Nigeria | Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Serum Lipid Profile of Rats Fed Wheat-Margarine - Avocado Cake Blends
Igyor M.A., Eteng G. O., Olaitan N.I., Iombor T.T., Igbua F.Z.
Abstract: In this research, the serum lipid profile of rats fed wheat-margarine- avocado cake blends were investigated. Fresh avocado fruits were purchased from the market then sorted, washed, drained and peeled. The creamy mesocarp was homogenized using a mixing bowl and a wooden stick to obtain a smooth puree or paste. Cake blends of margarine and avocado were prepared in the proportions of 100: 0, 80: 20, 60: 40, 40: 60, 20: 80 and 0: 100. The feed intake, body weight pattern and serum lipid profile of albino rats were determined. The result showed high rate of wheat-margarine-avocado cakes consumption with 80: 20 % substitutions of margarine-avocado cake blends. The body weight of rats fed wheat-margarine-avocado cakes were significantly elevated at end line relative to baseline. The serum lipid profile of the rats fed with wheat/avocado cake blends showed significant increase in total cholesterol, triglycerides and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels accompanied with significant increase in serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C level. Group treated with 100 % wheat/avocado cake had the highest value in the assessment of it HDL-C (83.55±49.85) with the least concentration of LDL-C (16.88±2.59).
Keywords: serum, cholesterol, triglyceride and avocado
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019,
Pages: 645 - 649