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Research Paper | Architecture & Planning | Egypt | Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
Recycling Concept Starts from the Design Stage: Five Architectural Applications based on the Reuse of Construction and Demolition Waste
Merhan M. Shahda, Nancy M. Badawy
Abstract: The concept of recycling and reusing starts from the design stage and sustainably continues through the stages of construction, operation and maintenance, to create an architectural process in which the architect directs his efforts and creations to create architectural applications based on the reuse of construction and demolition waste. The design process also plays an important role in determining the quantities of building material and the required energies for the construction and operation processes. In addition, most designs depend on modern raw materials which means the depletion of raw materials and energy for manufacturing and transport in spite the fact that the use of recycled or reused materials may fulfill the same purpose with the same efficiency. Accordingly, this paper focuses on how to propose some innovative designs and architectural applications, for recycling construction and demolition waste to be a reference or guide for professionals in the field of construction. Furthermore, this study serves as an inspiration for architects to design buildings and applications based on the idea of recycling. Five architectural applications based on the reuse of construction and demolition waste have been suggested in this paper: The first application: recycled wall from rubble and drainage pipes; The second application: pipes as openings; The third application: pipes as a precast slab; The fourth application: pipes as a green roof; The fifth application: pipes as a space structure. All of these proposals can be subjected to testing in future studies.
Keywords: Construction and Demolition Waste CDW, Architectural Applications, Reuse, Recycle
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019,
Pages: 1582 - 1591