Rate the Article: Nudge Marketing in E-Commerce Businesses, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Rating: 6.3 / 10

Nudge Marketing in E-Commerce Businesses

Rohan Sanghi, Surbhi Gupta, Raghav Mishra, Aishwarya Singh, Harshit Abrol, Jivesh Madan, Prof. Mahim Sagar

Abstract: Nudge Marketing is a strategy which is used by many companies and organisation to influence a customer’s decision indirectly without him knowing by providing the person with suggestions and reinforcements. In simple words, Nudge Marketing is planting of an idea in a person’s mind in order to encourage the customer to behave in a particular way without direct persuasion. Nudge Marketing is used in different sectors in different ways to persuade a customer’s decisions in the companies favour. Nudging helps the e-commerce sector in influencing a customer to buy a product. A fast growing sector like e-commerce needs to attract customers and therefore nudging forms an integral part of an e-commerce company to attract customers.

Keywords: Nudge Marketing, Urgency, Behavioural Psychology

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019,

Pages: 858 - 863

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