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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
The Effect between Education and Training System, Certification, Placement, Satisfaction with Graduates in Aviation Polytechnic Surabaya
Hary Soegiri, Moeljadi, Trinignsih Sri Supriyati
Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of education and training on the link-mach of polytechnic graduates such as certification on working of polytechnic graduated, placement on absorption of polytechnic graduated, and satisfaction on the aviation education world on polytechnic graduates' by absorption working capacity. This study was used a quantitative and with qualitative, where the research instrument uses a indeepth interview. Then, take a sample by random and strengthen the argument with depth interview informants, gathering all data using research instruments, and analysis of statistical data that aims to test a predetermined hypothesis. The analysis technique used by a path analysis based on causality, changes in one variable have an impact on changes in other variables. Thus, there is an influence between education and training on aviation satisfaction. Eventually, there is an effect between certification and aviation satisfaction, a placement and aviation satisfaction, education and training on the absorption graduated from Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Schools, Aviation satisfaction effect to absorbing flight from graduated in these Polytechnic Schools. Finally, the effect between placement and the absorption ability of graduated from Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic Schools. Education and training, certification and placement, effect to the absorption capacity from graduated in this schools through aviation satisfaction.
Keywords: Education and Training, Certification, Placement, Satisfaction, and Absorption
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019,
Pages: 492 - 500