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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
A Pre Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Blood Collection Vacutainers among Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital of Delhi/NCR
Sindhu Jose, Lavanya Nandan, Sibi Samuel
Abstract: A pre experimental study design was used for the study. Non-probability convenient sampling technique used to select the sample i. e.30 staff nurses working in selected hospital. A structured knowledge questionnaire of 20 questions and practice checklist of 20 items were prepared to assess the knowledge and practice of the staff nurses. Result shows that majority of the staff nurses had good as well as average knowledge (46.6 %) whereas majority of the staff nurses were having good practice of blood collection vacutainers. It was evident from the results that the mean post-test knowledge (96.6 % excellent) and practice score (90 % excellent) were more than mean pre-test scores. The obtained mean difference of pre-test-post-test knowledge and practice score was found to be statistically significant as evident from the t value of (18.93) (20.91) respectively which was greater than table value (2.05) for df (29) at 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant association between post- test practice score with educational qualification. Hence, the study concluded that structured teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge and practice among staff nurses.
Keywords: Structured teaching programme, knowledge, practice
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019,
Pages: 1927 - 1930