Rate the Article: Perceived Communication Competence in Willingness to Communicate in English Language (A Case Study of Sudanese EFL Students), IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | English Language and Literature | Sudan | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020 | Rating: 7 / 10

Perceived Communication Competence in Willingness to Communicate in English Language (A Case Study of Sudanese EFL Students)

Gamar Addawla Albooni, Adil Ishag

Abstract: This study tries to investigate the willingness to communicate in English language among Sudanese undergraduate EFL students, in relation to self-perceived communication competence. It further aims at examining the role of English language achievement and gender differences in relation to willingness to communicate, and self-perceived communication competence. The study adopted the descriptive and the analytical methods to analyze the collected data, by utilizing two standardized scales conducted on a sample composed of 156 respondents studying English as a foreign language at the Department of English, Faculty of Education, University of Khartoum. The results were statistically computed and revealed that: willingness to communicate in English language and self-perceived communication competence are positively correlated among Sudanese undergraduate EFL students. Self-perceived communication competence is a good indicator of willingness to communicate in English language than actual language achievement. The study also showed that there are some gender differences in willingness to communicate, and self-perceived communication competence among Sudanese undergraduate EFL students.

Keywords: Willingness to Communicate, Perceived Communication Competence, Language Achievement, Foreign Language

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020,

Pages: 1882 - 1887

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