Rate the Article: Scope of Blended Learning in Higher Education - A Conceptual Perspective, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

Downloads: 156 | Views: 365

Review Papers | Education Management | India | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020 | Rating: 6.2 / 10

Scope of Blended Learning in Higher Education - A Conceptual Perspective

Dr. Albert Joseph Smith

Abstract: Blended learning is an innovative concept of shifting information and transfer of paradigm from teaching to learning. Blended learning includes traditional teaching (offline learning) and ICT supported learning (online learning). It encourages collaborative, constructive and computer assisted learning (CAI). BL necessitates the learner to be responsible discover, construct, practice and validate the acquired knowledge through social collaboration, peer group and teachers. Blended learning desires rigorous efforts, right attitude, good budget and highly motivated teachers and students for its successful implementation. The present paper attempts to make a study on the concept of blended learning, features, prerequisite, adaption, implementation, challenges and strategies.

Keywords: Blended Learning, ICT Supported Teaching Learning Process, Traditional Teaching Learning Process, and Computer Assisted Learning

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020,

Pages: 1703 - 1707

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