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Research Paper | Social Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
A Study to Understand the Status of Agriculture in Gola Village of Gulbarga District of Karnataka
Abstract: Agriculture is the most important enterprise in the world. Agriculture is the cultivation and reproduction of animals and plants to provide food, medicinal plants, fiber and other products to sustain and enhance life. One of the world’s workers is employed in agricultural activities. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. India ranks the second worldwide in farm output. For many rural residents and communities in Karnataka agriculture is the major occupation. Therefore this present paper understands about the agricultural status in Goll village of Gulbarga districts. The study is based on Primary and secondary data collection, data is analyzed with Excel and statistical software SPSS. Study observed that 75 percentage of total population is engaged in agricultural activities. Both dry land and irrigated land they are using for farming. All farmers are depends this lake for cultivation. Water pollution is a major issue in Gola village; most of the well is polluted due to lack of proper maintenance. Still farmers are protesting for their rights. So, it’s very necessary the growth of agricultural sector, because of agriculture is the backbone of Indian GDP. The proper intervention has to be done for the improvement of agriculture and proper awareness should give the protection of the natural resources.
Keywords: Agricultural, Water pollution, Indian GDP
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019,
Pages: 1436 - 1440