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Research Paper | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Spain | Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021 | Rating: 5.1 / 10
MAEARP: Multi-AUVs Aided Energy Aware Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
NABIL Sofiani, Pablo Otero Roth, Jitander Pabani, Lahby Mohamed
Abstract: Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UWASN) face several challenges in designing a Medium Access Control Protocol with higher packet delivery ratio and smaller energy consumption. This Paper propose Routing Protocol named ?Multi-AUVs Aided Energy-Aware MAC Routing Protocol? (MAEARP) which is Clustering by electing a Node based on node buffer size and residual energy, then electing the nearest AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) Based on this Collected data we create routes leading to the sink node. The expected functions of the protocol include self-organization of the routes, tolerance to failures and detection of isolated nodes. Via the implementation of MAEARP with NS3 and comparing to other protocols, performance results are obtained in different scenarios (varying both nodes and transmission range) that include parameters such as packet delivery ratio and energy consumption. Finally, the analysis and verification of simulation obtained show the effectiveness for our proposed MAEARP in UWASN.
Keywords: multi-hop routing, transmission range, distance, Packet delivery ratio, Energy consumption, Inference System
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021,
Pages: 681 - 686