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Research Paper | Economics | India | Volume 2 Issue 1, January 2013 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
A Study on the Impact of Training on Employees in SRF Ltd, Viralimalai, Trichy
N. Renganayaki
Abstract: The objective of this research paper is to access the impact of training on the employees in SRF Ltd Viralimalai, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India. To achieve this objective, a sample of 90 members was randomly selected out of the 300 employees. The statistical technique used was chi square test. Simple percentage method was used in analyzing the questions which were presented in a tabular form. The findings are that modern training brought changes in the attitudes of the employees, a rise in job satisfaction level, productivity, reduction of absenteeism/turn over, employees performance and organizations growth. It is suggested that evaluation of training should be treated not only as a corrective measure for the existing training programs but also as a pro-active measure for making future training programs more effective. To conclude, today, more than ever, organizations are under pressure to keep pace with ever changing business scenarios. To stay afloat they must develop the competence to turn every challenge into an opportunity. Rigid method of technology must be given up.
Keywords: In-house training, training effectiveness, employee turnover, performance, employee retention
Edition: Volume 2 Issue 1, January 2013,
Pages: 409 - 415