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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 2 Issue 5, May 2013 | Rating: 6.4 / 10
Harsimrat Kaur, Janpreet Sigh
Abstract: The Conversion from desktop applications to web or remote applications makes website development as a growing area of software industry. During the analysis phase of web application development web model of the web application is created. This web model represents all the components of the web application that are to be tested. After generating the web model the very next step that is taken for testing the web application is to generate test cases. Web testing deals with this issue and during this testing we generate test cases. This testing is followed up by regression testing if we bring any feasible change in the web model. The regression testing verify whether previous model functionality will regress or fail by marking which previous test cases are valid or discarded in the updated model [12]. The updated web model is then used to generate the new test cases. Each and every time when we added a new module in the existing model then we have to check the effect of test cases generated earlier for existing modules because the new module added to the system may interact with the existing modules. In this paper we proposed an automatic way to deal with the modification part of the test cases existing for the already mentioned modules in the web model.
Keywords: Web Model, Regression Testing, Web Applications
Edition: Volume 2 Issue 5, May 2013,
Pages: 176 - 179