Rate the Article: Role of Antisnake Venom (ASV) in Decreasing Severity of Acute Renal Failure in Snake Bite, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medical Science | India | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021 | Rating: 4.6 / 10

Role of Antisnake Venom (ASV) in Decreasing Severity of Acute Renal Failure in Snake Bite

Dr. Uddhav Khaire, Dr. Syed Ammaruddin Chishty, Dr. Anupam Pal

Abstract: Snakebite is a significant public health problem causing considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. The mortality due to venomous snakebite in India continues to be high due to various social, economic, and cultural reasons. In this study, we investigated the correlation between early administration of anti-snake venom and the severity of acute renal failure. A total of 100 patients with snake bites with acute renal failure were included in a hospital-based prospective study in the Department of Medicine from October 2020 to November 2021. All the patients were investigated regarding the time of the bite to time of ASV administration, it was found that in the study of 100 patients with acute renal failure 80 had received ASV within 6 hours of the bite of which 20 required dialysis and 4 died while 20 patients who had received ASV after 6 hours out of which 10 required dialysis and 6 died, the p-value for mortality <0.00085 which is statistically very significant. Therefore study concludes a strong association between time of administration of ASV in the prevention of acute renal failure in snake bite patients.

Keywords: acute renal failure, antisnake venom

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021,

Pages: 1128 - 1130

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