Rate the Article: A Comparative Study of Intracervical Foley's Catheter with Oxytocin and without Oxytocin in Inducing Labour in Women with Unfavourable Cervix for Reducing Induction Delivery Interval, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Masters Thesis | Obstetrics and Gynecology | India | Volume 11 Issue 2, February 2022 | Rating: 4.7 / 10

A Comparative Study of Intracervical Foley's Catheter with Oxytocin and without Oxytocin in Inducing Labour in Women with Unfavourable Cervix for Reducing Induction Delivery Interval

Dr. Jothisundaram, Dr. A. Manimegalai

Abstract: Background: Induction of labour implies stimulation of uterine contraction before spontaneous onset of labour with or without ruptured membranes. When the risk of continuation of pregnancy either to the mother or to the fetus is more, induction is indicated. BISHOP?s score and fetal maturity is to be assessed prior to induction. If BISHOP?s score is <6, it is recommended that a cervical ripening agent be used before labour induction. Intracervical foleys catheter was recommended for induction of labour in women with unfavourable cervix at term while adding oxytocin to foleys catheter preinduction cervical ripening to shorten induction delivery interval, improve induction success and reduced morbidity associated with prolonged labour induction. Aim& Objectives: To estimate whether adding oxytocin to foley?s catheter preinduction cervical ripening could improve the efficacy of induction outcome. Methods: It is a prospective randomized controlled study in Pregnant woman with term gestation admitted in the Department of Obstetrics and gynecology, government Rajaji Hospital attached to Madurai Medical College, Madurai for the period of 6 months. The study is conducted on 100 cases. The study subjects will be randomly assigned into 2groups. Group 1-Foley?s catheter without oxytocin, Group 2-with oxytocin. Results: In our study ,most of the patients were between the age group of 20 to 25years.There is no significant difference between the Obstetric code, gestational age at which they delivered.Mean induction delivery interval in Group 1-25.885,Group 2-23.786.60%vaginal deliveries in Group 1& 64% vaginal deliveries in Group 2.Maternal complications (PPH) 5% in group 1& 2% in Group 2. Conclusion: Induction with foley?s catheter with sequential use of oxytocin, when compared to without oxytocin is more effective for labour induction. It was associated with shorter Induction delivery interval, lesser postpartum blood loss and better neonatal outcome.

Keywords: Foley induction, oxytocin, induction delivery interval, Bishop's score

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 2, February 2022,

Pages: 1246 - 1248

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