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Research Paper | Gynaecology | India | Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023 | Rating: 5 / 10
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Urinary Incontinence among Women
Dr. Sakshi Bansal, Dr. Deepa Chaudhary, Dr. Premlata Mital
Abstract: Aim: To identify prevalence of different types of urinary incontinence and risk factors associated with them. Study Design: This was a cross sectional study conducted between March 2021 to March 2022 at outpatient department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at SMS medical college, Jaipur.100 women with complaint of leakage of urine were enrolled in study and data was collected as face to face interview with questionnaires. The data is expressed as mean, median, standard deviation. P values are calculated and <0.05 are considered significant. Results: Majority of women had stress urinary incontinence (48%) followed by urge and mixed incontinence (30%, 22% respectively). Majority of women were housewives (83.3%). Socioeconomic status, BMI, education status (p value - 0.001, 0.024, 0.004) were found to be significantly associated with urinary incontinence. Age, Duration, High BMI and Higher parity was significantly associated with severity of urinary leakage. History of UTI/ cystitis has been significantly associated with urge incontinence (p value of 0.021) and women with history of constipation have been significantly associated with stress incontinence (p value of 0.01). Medical disorders did not show any significant association in the study. Conclusion: Stress urinary incontinenec is found to have the highest prevlance. Age, BMI, parity, educational status, occupation and previous infections and surgical history are various risk factors for same.
Keywords: urinary incontinence, risk factors, socio- demographics, QUID score, questionnaire
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 3, March 2023,
Pages: 1653 - 1657