International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Comparative Studies | Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Rating: 5.2 / 10

Comparison between Conventional Radiography and High - Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) in Interstitial Lung Disease

Dr. Revanth Reddy A, Dr. Goutham M

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Interstitial lung diseases are a diverse group of diseases that predominantly affect the lung interstitium and share similar clinical and radiological manifestations. Most patients have nonspecific respiratory complaints and the first suggestion of the disease is usually a chest radiograph. However, many patients of interstitial lung disease can have a normal chest radiogram, in these patient?s HRCT can detect abnormalities not visualized on the chest radiogram. This study attempts to compare conventional chest radiography and HRCT in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease. Methods: The present study included 100 patients. After a detailed clinical work up, all the patients underwent both conventional radiography and HRCT. The images were evaluated and the findings were compared between chest radiography and HRCT. The results were tabulated, statistically analyzed and compared with previous studies. Results: The main result of the study was that HRCT was able to detect more abnormalities than conventional radiography in the diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases. HRCT was able to detect abnormalities even in cases when the chest radiogram was normal, thereby emphasizing the inherent lack of sensitivity of chest radiography. Clinicians should therefore give the benefit of an HRCT examination even when the chest radiogram appears normal. Conclusion: The study thus concludes that HRCT can be regarded as an ideal noninvasive modality for assessment of Interstitial lung disease.

Keywords: Interstitial lung disease, HRCT, sensitivity

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023,

Pages: 1058 - 1062

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