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Case Studies | Pediatrics | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Rating: 5.3 / 10
Clinical Profile and the Outcome of Corrosive Injuries in Children
Kruthika H S, Nagendra Kumar V R, Rajashekar Murthy G R
Abstract: Background: Corrosive substances are common household substances that can be ingested either accidentally or intentionally with suicidal intent. Accidental ingestion is common among younger children of <5 years while suicidal ingestion is more common among adolescents. The severity of injuries depend upon the nature of corrosive, amount ingested and the site of exposure. Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is an important investigation to decide on further management. Upper Gastrointestinal strictures are the most common long term sequelae and are managed by endoscopic bougie or endoscopic balloon dilatations. In case of resistant strictures, newer adjunctive therapies are available, such as intralesional steroids, stents. Surgery is the final resort for strictures resistant to dilatations and adjunctive therapy. Aims and objectives: To identify varied patterns of injuries and outcome following corrosive ingestion. Methodology: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of children aged between 1 year to 17 years admitted from January 2018 to June 2022, with history of corrosive ingestion and underwent Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Results: Out of 20 children, 80% were injuries due to accidental ingestion, 20% were suicidal.65% patients were under the age of 5 years.40% patients had esophageal strictures, 20% patients had both esophageal and stomach injuries, 10% patients had hollow viscous perforation as complication.20% patients developed gastric outlet obstruction subsequently.15.9% patients required gastric pull up surgery on follow up.10% required emergency laparotomy with total gastrectomy while 35% patients are on regular follow up for stricture dilatation. Conclusions: Accidental ingestion of corrosive is commonly observed in children, especially under 5 years of age. Upper gastrointestinal strictures were the common injuries requiring long term follow up and stricture dilatation. In order to prevent children from corrosive ingestion, importance must be given to preventive measures such as education of families, keeping and storing these agents out of the reach of children.
Keywords: Corrosive ingestion, Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Esophageal stricture, Gastric outlet obstruction
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023,
Pages: 1587 - 1590