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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Rating: 4.9 / 10
A Pre - Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Informational Booklet on Knowledge and Practices regarding Well Balanced Diet among Mothers of under Five Children in Selected Areas of District Kangra, (H. P.).
Priya Kumari, Shivani Thakur, Anu Varma
Abstract: Balanced diet and sufficient nutritional intake is most essential for children to promote optimal growth and development. An Pre - experimental one group pre - test post - test design, was used to select 60 mothers of under five children by using non probability purposive sampling technique from five selected areas of district Kangra, H. P. Self structured informational booklet was provided to mothers after the assessment of pre - test knowledge and practices regarding well balanced diet. Post - test knowledge and practices was assessed on the 7th day of informational booklet through self structured knowledge questionnaire and self structured practices checklist. The result of this study showed, significant difference between the mean post - test (27.47) was higher than pre - test (12.13) knowledge scores, mean post - test (19.10) was higher than pre - test (27.63) practices score, positive correlation exists r=0.749 between post - test knowledge and post - test practices score and obtained ?t? value has been found statistically very highly significant (30.489) at p<0.05 level of significance. Hence it was concluded that informational booklet in educational programme was an effective strategy for improving mothers knowledge and practices regarding well balanced diet of children.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Informational Booklet, Well Balanced Diet, Knowledge, Practices
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023,
Pages: 2401 - 2408