International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023 | Rating: 5.8 / 10

Assessment of Knowledge Regarding Child Birth Preparedness among Primigravida Mothers in Antenatal OPD in A Selected Hospital of Guwahati, Assam with a View to Develop an Information Booklet: A Descriptive Study

Dipanjali Kalita, Arline Beshra, Nandita Das

Abstract: Introduction: Becoming a mother is an important stage in every women's life. Though pregnancy is wonderful and very joyful news in most women's lives, on the same part the women will have emotional disturbances and physical changes in her and the process of childbirth. Every mother in the world yearns for a healthy baby at the time of delivery. Pregnancy is a very sensitive period in which unexpected life - threatening complications may arise at any period, from conception to the postpartum period. Maternal and neonatal mortality is an ongoing major public health problem in developing countries. It has been seen that in some parts of India, women get married at an early age. Soon after marriage, they get pregnant without proper knowledge of childbirth preparedness. Women do not have adequate knowledge on antenatal care. So, many complications arise during pregnancy and childbirth. This may be the cause of morbidity and mortality among the women in India. The study was conducted with the objective of assessing the knowledge regarding childbirth preparedness among primigravida mothers, and to find out the association between knowledge about childbirth preparedness with selected demographic variables. Objectives: 1) To assess the level of knowledge regarding birth preparedness among primigravida women in a selected Hospital Guwahati Assam. 2) To find out the association of knowledge regarding birth preparedness among primigravida mothers with demographic variables. 3) To develop an information booklet regarding primigravida mothers. Methods and Materials: A descriptive design was used in the study to accomplish the objectives using non - probability convenient sampling technique for obtaining adequate sample for the study. Study was done on 110 primigravida mothers in a selected Hospital Guwahati Assam. Respondents were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge regarding child birth preparedness among primigravida mothers in Antenatal OPD in a selected hospitalof Guwahati, Assam. Results: The analysis revealed that out of 110 primigravida mothers in antenatal OPD, Majority i. e.61 (55.4%) of the primi mothers belonged to the age group between 19 - 24 years of age, 49 (44.5%) of the primi mothers had passed H. S. L. C, 67 (60.9%) of the primi mothers had family income of Rs.9232 - 2764, 73 (66.4%) of the primi mothers occupation were housewife, 40 (36.4%) of the primi mothers were 2nd Visit, 54 (49.1%) of the primi mothers belonged to joint family, 56 (50.9%) primi mothers belongs from rural area, 48 (43.6%) respondents previous source of information were from relatives. On assessing the level of knowledge, majority of the primi mothers i. e.90 (81.8%) had adequate knowledge and 20 (18.2%) respondents had moderately adequate knowledge with mean 16.25 and SD 2.96. r value is 0.72; that indicates the tool is reliable. The association was statistically tested and the results shows that there was association between level of knowledge regarding childbirth preparedness among primigravida mothers with selected demographic variables like monthly family income at p<0.05 level. The others demographic variables such as age, education, occupation, number of antenatal visits during pregnancy, types of family, place of residence, previous source of information, had not shown statistically significant associated with the level of knowledge regarding childbirth preparedness among primigravida mothers. Conclusion: After analysing data collected, this study shows that primi mothers have adequate knowledge regarding child birth preparedness. Therefore, it is recommended to organize awareness programmes regarding birth preparedness among primi mothers to enhance their knowledge and will help primi mothers in better planning of pregnancy and childbirth in advance. The health care worker can conduct health education on child birth preparedness in clinical and community settings to update mothers knowledge.

Keywords: Knowledge, Childbirth preparedness, Maternal mortality

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 7, July 2023,

Pages: 1465 - 1471

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