Rate the Article: Internal Audit as a Tool to Improve the Efficiency of Enterprise Management, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Business Administration | Kyrgyzstan | Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024 | Rating: 5.1 / 10

Internal Audit as a Tool to Improve the Efficiency of Enterprise Management

Beishebaev Temirlan

Abstract: The article examines the role of internal audit as a tool for improving management processes in modern companies. The relevance of the stated topic is due to the increasing need of business structures for effective control mechanisms, optimization of management decisions (in conditions of economic instability, various kinds of shocks, crisis manifestations). The purpose of the work is to systematize theoretical provisions and practical recommendations on the integration of internal audit into the management system of business entities. During the analysis of existing approaches when writing the article, a contradiction was revealed between the significant potential of internal audit procedures and their insufficient use in practice, which is due to the lack of a systematic approach to the organization of activities, as well as an incomplete understanding of their capabilities by the management of enterprises. Based on the conducted research, it was possible to conclude that a well - designed audit system helps to prevent a significant part of management risks, significantly increase the effectiveness of business processes, provided that they are correctly positioned in the organizational structure, as well as the competent application of modern technological developments (which is emphasized in the form of an exposition of the author's view regarding the advantages and limitations of innovations). The materials of the article are valuable for company executives, specialists in the field of internal audit, risk management, management accounting, as well as researchers who are interested in improving corporate governance systems.

Keywords: auditing activities, business processes, internal audit, control procedures, corporate governance, risk management, managerial efficiency, economic security

Edition: Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024,

Pages: 179 - 182

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